
Showing posts from December, 2010

And when it's all over...

Well that's another Christmas been and gone! Was actually a very lovely time spent relaxing with family and friends. Gave and received some gorgeous gifts and enjoyed many lovely festive coffees, not enough Xmas pies, but made up for that in glasses of fizz ;-) I haven't posted for a while as I've had pretty full mind, and haven't quite been capable of stringing the words together to write a decent post, in fact.. I'm finding this one pretty hard. Perhaps I'll just let the pictures do the storytelling.. New dress -                                                    (My one indulgence and guilty pleasure.. Good champagne :) ..Oh and my gorgeous man too!) And more lovely festive photographs:  Our lovely tree :)  (Jez' beautiful Niece giving me snowflake earrings! She's a mini-model in the making :p) Yup, its a picture diary day. Hopefully I'l...

Sparkly dresses, callbacks and frosty toes!

Sooo, as its been super, super chilly recently i decided a shopping trip was in order to put a smile back on my face.. Here's the dress i bought for my partners staff xmas party... I went out searching for something more sparkly or colourfull for the xmas do considering all the rest of by wardrobe is black.. And this is what i came home with.. another black dress! But it has a hint of sparkle and that's Christmassy enough for me :) Good news.. I got a callback for Milan Fashion Week! Hoorah.. so I have to go into my agents office on friday so they can make a bikini video to send to Milan, which is so exciting but petrifying all at the same time. Detox time! :p Just invested in some thermal tights and they are THE BEST! Keep your legs seriously nice and cosy in this snowy weather. I suggest everyone go out and get themselves a pair.. Stay warm! With love x