Friends make your world go round.

So I've sat down to try to write a post several times over the last few days and ended up struggling to actually sum up in words all that is happening and my thoughts. Let's just say, there are some big problems happening in china for models right now and it is a very turbulent time.. All I will say is that this whole situation is showing me the importance of friends at a time like this, I have only been here a month.. But these people around me have been my saving grace the last few days, and one positive side to all of this nightmare is that I can say these friendships have become very special to us all. Also, of course.. The amazing people I have back home and actually all over the world that have shared their concern and been there for me. (Btw, apologies if you're one of them and I haven't managed to reply; I'm sorry! Some concern about interception.) Here's to friends... With love x