Feeling the way...

Courage. Having courage is not never falling, never crying, never admitting defeat... Courage is that strength to keep going, day after day. To believe in yourself and your dreams. If I'm honest, my courage has been tried the last couple of weeks. A combination of factors that have come my way have been trying to pull me under, to make me break my strength.. But each day I remind myself to keep going. We HAVE to keep ourselves on track, keep in the direction of our destiny... We are the only one that can save ourselves and it is more important than ever when life is testing that strength to remember what it is that you desire, that brings you happiness.. And keep going with relentless faith in the journey of life. It can be really very draining retaining this hope sometimes; people often comment on what a positive, uplifting person I am... But nobody can be that way 100% of the time, it's amazing what a smile can do, can cover.. But we are all human. We all feel ...