A broken mind.

I recently came across poet and writer Joe Straynge online, I instantly fell in love with his beautiful, raw words... Sometimes the emotion behind those words is so much it feels intimate, painful almost to be a part of reading. That's what I love about language, and writing.. The power it can have when we put together certain words, how it can be an outlet, a tool for connection, a voice that otherwise doesn't get heard. As we express, we relieve the thoughts caught up in our minds, and with some hope.. Those that we share those words with may find solace, may feel comfort, connection. Without always directly communicating, we are able to feel a little less alone in the world, and just a little braver. When I read the words of writers like Joe Straynge I am able to feel that comfort... This particular little thought he shared on his Instagram recently spoke straight to my heart - To me; a mind that perhaps has been broken, or cracked or damaged i...