Coming home this time has been a different experience, I've felt a little unsettled without a real home to call my own to come back to yet, a little disappointed about leaving Beijing prematurely, a little sad for the friends left behind, a little more happy about the fact I can see friends and family back home sooner... A little confused, a little exhausted, a little amused.. But actually okay with all of these feelings; I can't pinpoint these emotions into one category, but I am perfectly happy with that.. It means I am living, to feel is to live . And actually it's been a lovely week; lots of relaxing, catching up, visiting people and drinking far too much wine.. But surely that's exactly how spare time should be spent. I am currently on my way to Cardiff for a couple of days before I make the move to Birmingham on Wednesday.. And I am taking this rather enjoyable train journey down to Wales to just sit, listen to some beautiful music, look out at the lovely Britis...