Feeling free.

Freedom. It has many meanings.. From the literal sense of the natural freedom that comes with travelling and living each day differently, to mental freedom. And I don't just mean freedom from mental battles.. Because we all know that the health of our mentality is too complicated to catergorise so simple as freedom or not; happiness is a continuous journey, it takes daily effort in knocking down those walls our minds build through struggle to allow more beautiful things to grow in their place. Freedom in that degree is continuous. For this I'm talking about that inner feeling of freedom of self. Letting go of all previous self-expectations and limitations and throwing caution and inhibition to the wind and just letting live. Being wild, being childish, doing all the things your heart desires without fear, embracing youth and feeling energy for life... This is living. There are two important factors here for me; friendship and sun shine. Two priceless things which can transf...