Balcony Breakfasts.
Im writing this post from the balcony of my new apartment in Barcelona, and I can honestly say I feel more content in this moment than I have felt in a long time..
I arrived back in Barca a week ago, it's been a wonderfully eventful first week in spain including a weekend roadtripping across spain, dancing by a river at a reggae party in the Valencian mountains, spending time with amazing souls, toasting my return with cava with my agency back here, castings, beach time and all topped off with some great friends being here with me in Barcelona right now.. And as I sit here in the sunshine enjoying another wonderful morning of coffee and fresh fruit breakfasts, looking out at one of Gaudi's most famous buildings, Sagrada Familia; I am more peaceful than I have felt in many many years.. Perhaps ever.
Breakfast is a wonderful thing. And I can't describe how beautiful it is to able to be sat here saying this.. But it is. It is something we should all find the time to enjoy.
And sunshine is a wonderful thing. I am blessed to be here 'working' in such an incredible place.. I never forget how lucky it is that I have these opportunities.. Travel, experiencing so much more of life and the world - it has been the most awakening experience.
I love 'home', and England.. But I have never been more 'me' than when I am out here, I feel so much freedom and ability to find my natural self without the ties and rituals of a familiar place.
To have amazing people and friends from back home join me here this summer is such an amazing experience, as I can share this wonderful enjoyment with them.. We create memories you can never forget. That Sunday dancing in the sunset amongst the trees and mountains, surrounded by beautiful souls to uplifting music is one of those memories that I will keep with me forever.
And that is exactly what life is about. Creating memories that last forever.. I never had that when my weekends all blurred into the next, and each working day was the same as the last, and faces never changed... Sometimes you have to push yourself out of the comfort of familiarity to see that life can be so much more.
I'm not the tallest, or the youngest, or the skinniest, or the most beautiful 'model' out there.. But I'm happy, and I'm working.. And I truly believe it comes from within; I believe this is what I should be doing right now and so I make it happen. Okay, so sometimes it takes some pro-active behaviour, not everything can be handed to you on a plate.. Ask the questions, dare to allow yourself the opportunities and the doors start opening much wider.
And so I sit here, and feel thankful that my life is how it is.. What an incredible feeling to feel. And I will look forward to this summer, in my favourite place, surrounded by amazing people; and I will never stop appreciating this enjoyment.
Here's to summer, and life, and balcony breakfasts. Many of them..
With love x
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