Myself in Malmo

I write this post whilst on a train from Malmo to Stockholm after spending the last 5 weeks guest teaching at a wonderful studio there; Hot Yoga Malmo..
It is only now as I sit still with myself that I am able to reflect on my time spent there. It really is funny how things work out..
I am reminded once again how I must always, always, always trust in the universe as it always takes care of me when I allow and don't force it.
Just two months ago I was feeling pretty unaligned and out of sorts as so many things in my personal life were changing and I found myself literally living in the yoga studio with no windows after moving out of our flat, all my belongings locked up in a storage unit after having just waved my girlfriend off to the other side of the world… It always happens like this; all together at the same time.
And so I found myself alone in the yoga studio, searching for spare rooms to rent and trying to plan how I was going to go to visit Beth in Australia for the christmas holidays.. None of this felt right, my gut feeling was uneasy about the whole thing. 
And then my friend and teacher Christian reached out to me and invited me to Sweden to come guest teach, and the next thing I know I'm there in a beautiful new city, fresh eyes and renewed passion.. and life is flowing in rhythm again.
Beth's plans also changed and now we are together again, as we are meant to be; exploring the world together.
Of course this is a very condensed and short version of the full story, but you guys don't need the ins and outs of my story… what I feel is important to share is how trusting the process of life is so so important. 
When I didn't know which way to turn and my intuition was saying ‘hang on something isn't right’ I listened to it, and I allowed myself the time and space for whatever was meant to happen to happen, and it did, and the result was that i have found myself having the most amazing experience and once again travelling and seeing the world. 
When we force our life to go in a way that is not our destiny there will always be resistance and problems and unease.. But when we listen and allow and let life flow everything falls into place.

And so I am here, with the love of my life by my side, ready to explore new parts of this beautiful planet with so many amazing things to look forward to, and life is flowing just exactly as it was destined to be. Trust and the universe always provides.

My time guest teaching in Malmo was really an incredible time… Malmo is a great city, I was given a beautiful apartment to stay in which had great light and perfect space for my home practice… The studio is amazing and straight away I felt at home there. Incredible people, really inspirational teachers which I now count as friends and of course, the students… such dedicated, strong and committed yogis… they inspired me a lot also. 
What I love about being a travelling teacher is how you jump into a yoga community and are welcomed immediately into a very personal and special place, you are given the opportunity to reach so many different people and see how yoga speaks a universal language through many different communities and societies. We are all connected and through yoga we are very clearly able to feel this. 
In the yoga room we are all equal, language/race/gender/social class/sexuality etc are irrelevant, in that place we are all one, we are all there with our bodies and all of our ‘stories’ taking time to heal ourselves. I am always so humbled and honoured to not only be around these people; but also to help guide them on their journeys. 
I learnt a lot from my time in Malmo, as a teacher and also as a student… at this studio they have many different types of yoga not just Bikram and Vinyasa… I practiced many different styles with many different teachers and each one taught me so much about my practice and myself as a teacher… i really believe this is the best way to keep evolving and growing, is to keep open to learning. 
My home practice has developed a lot over these weeks also… Having a beautiful space and little distractions meant that I found myself hopping on and off my mat throughout the day in the most organic way, I have learnt that making sure my home environment allows this space is very important, and allowing myself time to just be with me and my body is also, very important. I have had the time to reconnect to myself and my body and what it needs… Our body is our vessel in this life and we have to learn to listen to it and find out what it needs so that it can serve us correctly. 
I have learnt a lot in these hours spent with myself and my body and I am ever grateful to myself for allowing myself this time to nurture my body and mind. 
Being alone in a new city is always my favourite way to reconnect to me, whether it is away guest teaching at a new studio or on a modelling contract in a new place… I find I always learn so much about myself and what I like to do and what makes me me. We all NEED this time, this is how we learn how to serve ourselves; and if we want to serve others, we must first learn how to serve ourselves. 
And I am every grateful for my time as a travelling teacher because it allows me to go home to my home studio and my regular students with reignighted passion and inspiration… every experience provides us with more insight and more to give. 
So thank you to everyone that has been a part of my time in Sweden, Christian, Mine, Vicki, all the other wonderful teachers and friends I have made along the way; and through it all, my rock; Bethany. I love you more than ever before.

Namaste x


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