
Showing posts from 2010

And when it's all over...

Well that's another Christmas been and gone! Was actually a very lovely time spent relaxing with family and friends. Gave and received some gorgeous gifts and enjoyed many lovely festive coffees, not enough Xmas pies, but made up for that in glasses of fizz ;-) I haven't posted for a while as I've had pretty full mind, and haven't quite been capable of stringing the words together to write a decent post, in fact.. I'm finding this one pretty hard. Perhaps I'll just let the pictures do the storytelling.. New dress -                                                    (My one indulgence and guilty pleasure.. Good champagne :) ..Oh and my gorgeous man too!) And more lovely festive photographs:  Our lovely tree :)  (Jez' beautiful Niece giving me snowflake earrings! She's a mini-model in the making :p) Yup, its a picture diary day. Hopefully I'l...

Sparkly dresses, callbacks and frosty toes!

Sooo, as its been super, super chilly recently i decided a shopping trip was in order to put a smile back on my face.. Here's the dress i bought for my partners staff xmas party... I went out searching for something more sparkly or colourfull for the xmas do considering all the rest of by wardrobe is black.. And this is what i came home with.. another black dress! But it has a hint of sparkle and that's Christmassy enough for me :) Good news.. I got a callback for Milan Fashion Week! Hoorah.. so I have to go into my agents office on friday so they can make a bikini video to send to Milan, which is so exciting but petrifying all at the same time. Detox time! :p Just invested in some thermal tights and they are THE BEST! Keep your legs seriously nice and cosy in this snowy weather. I suggest everyone go out and get themselves a pair.. Stay warm! With love x

Renaissance Art Shoot

Thought i'd pop up a sneaky preview of one of the images from the Renaissance art shoots i've been involved in over the last couple of weeks. Working for a fabulous photographer, Joshua Sallon who has such a creative eye and Michelle Court make-up artist, who is the first MUA i've had who's used the airbrush foundation, and it really does create flawless skin! The whole job is commisioned by Hugo Boss and the images are going up on their website, so i'm very excited for that! Got given the shorts from this particluar set-up and they are really gorgeous.. my new favourite wadrobe addition. Hope you enjoy.. With love x

Ranting and paper snowflakes..

Large people on public transport... Seriously? To the man sat next to me on 7.11am train to Birmingham on Thursday - Thank you for not only taking up all of your own seat.. but also managing to spread over onto a third of mine as well, causing me to lean over the arm rest into the aisle ensuring that i got glared at by everyone passing through the carriage like it is MY fault your ass is so large! Also i totally enjoyed having your elbow prod into my ribs every time you tapped away at your unnervingly small laptop. You made my journey beyond enjoyable.. thanks. I know its totally fatist/sizest, whatever.. but i honestly feel people over a certain size should have to purchase 2 tickets to make up for the amount of them which cohabits other's (slimmer passengers) seats. Or maybe they should create thin and fat carriages on trains with seats of the appropriate size, would really solve all problems.. also would feel rather smug boarding the thin carriage :D Rant over... Snow i...

The chaotic life of a model...

Wow, life is certainly not boring at the moment! I feel like the suitcase kid at the moment, living out of a bag and not quite knowing where i might be tomorrow.. London, Manchester.. Milan! Yep, got a casting sent through from my agent today for Milan Fashion Week.. very exciting but also feeling the pressure. This is one of my dream jobs so i can imagine i'll spend the weekend preparing with detox tea's and facials. Perfect skin is on the agenda. To today i may be casting in London, tomorrow i'm on a shoot in Birmingham.. and saturday? DAY OFF! :D Missing my other half and my little kitten very much today (staying with my sister who's two big tom cats seem like monsters in comparison to my little princess!) looking forward to the weekend which i intend to involve lots of cuddles, lie in's and coffee. Hoorah, let the good times roll... With love x

Lovely friends :)

Aah, looking forward to a nice relaxing day off tomorrow with friends.. Lots of coffee drinking and long due catch up's are in order. Sometimes when you're busy steaming ahead with your own life your friends somehow get pushed aside, in a completely non-intentional way, but it happens. And it isn't untill you see them that you realise just how much they mean to you. If any of my true friends ever read this, i'd love for them to know that i love them and treasure their friendship; even if sometimes it seems i don't. I'd love to be one of those great friends, the life and soul and all that.. but sometimes you have to accept you can't be everything. Anyway, tomorrow i will remind those i love how much they mean to me :) Love the lovely friends. With love x

Aveda Roadshow

Thought i'd post some images from my last job as an Aveda roadshow collection model. For the job, i had to have my hair dyed blue and cut in the style of 'Tata' which is crop with cat-like ears inspired by Catwoman helself! The tour went all over England and was so much fun.. working for a brilliant company, lovely people and gorgeous venues. Anyway, here's some of the images.. there may be more to come! With love x

Striving for perfection.

The trouble with being a perfectionist is that nothing is ever enough. We never feel satisfied by our achievements and this can make self-appreciation very hard. For me.. I've always been the type to look at my achievements, criticise and think - 'Well, i could of done better.. higher grades, better jobs, smaller jeans, a better friend, a better lover, etc' and so I'm always looking, longing for more appreciation, compliments and acknowledgement.. if i don't find it i deem myself a failure. It can be hard to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Its very tiring being a perfectionist! Maybe the answer is to lower our standards? Become less judgemental and critical.. but how?! Surely then, it is impossible to fully achieve everything we're possible of? Recently, this became apparent to me on a recent shopping trip to Leeds with my other half.. he came home heavy handed with nearly a grands worth of gorgeous clothes from Harvey Nicks, a full bell...

First time for everything...

So, a little about me... Fashion graduate. Full time model and dancer. Vegetarian.  I wish it was that simple, but nothing is eh? Life is complicated, so here i am to release some of my thoughts and feelings, document my adhock lifestyle, laugh when i'm happy, vent when i'm angry and be honest when i need to cry. Writing to sooth my mind and ease out the thoughts which sometimes get tangled up in the jungle of my mind. Life since graduating has been such a rollercoaster.. My advice to anyone studying: enjoy it! Make the most of this time to create, develope and experience.. don't waste it on hangovers. It doesn't last forever and then you're thrown into the big wide world.  And if you're studing fashion - dont think you'll get a job unless you're bloody good! Oh.. and sleep is for the faint hearted :) With love x