Ranting and paper snowflakes..

Large people on public transport... Seriously?

To the man sat next to me on 7.11am train to Birmingham on Thursday - Thank you for not only taking up all of your own seat.. but also managing to spread over onto a third of mine as well, causing me to lean over the arm rest into the aisle ensuring that i got glared at by everyone passing through the carriage like it is MY fault your ass is so large!

Also i totally enjoyed having your elbow prod into my ribs every time you tapped away at your unnervingly small laptop. You made my journey beyond enjoyable.. thanks.

I know its totally fatist/sizest, whatever.. but i honestly feel people over a certain size should have to purchase 2 tickets to make up for the amount of them which cohabits other's (slimmer passengers) seats. Or maybe they should create thin and fat carriages on trains with seats of the appropriate size, would really solve all problems.. also would feel rather smug boarding the thin carriage :D

Rant over... Snow is here!! Winter is officially upon us in all of its frosty glory. Here's to lovely cosy nights in with christmasy scented candles, getting all wrapped up in comfy knits to meet friends for lovely festive coffee's and to the beautiful white frosting which covers the ground creating what was previously a dull and grey view, into a scene straight from a Christmas card.

Snow makes the cold winter weather much  more tolerable.. as though its prettiness justifies the arctic conditions!

Feel like making those gorgeous little paper snowflakes you used to make as a child and pin to the windows.. may have to borrow my niece-in-law as an excuse to rejoice in the childhood memories..

when Christmas was such a perfect time of year.

With love x


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