Striving for perfection.

The trouble with being a perfectionist is that nothing is ever enough. We never feel satisfied by our achievements and this can make self-appreciation very hard.

For me.. I've always been the type to look at my achievements, criticise and think - 'Well, i could of done better.. higher grades, better jobs, smaller jeans, a better friend, a better lover, etc' and so I'm always looking, longing for more appreciation, compliments and acknowledgement.. if i don't find it i deem myself a failure.
It can be hard to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Its very tiring being a perfectionist!

Maybe the answer is to lower our standards? Become less judgemental and critical.. but how?! Surely then, it is impossible to fully achieve everything we're possible of?

Recently, this became apparent to me on a recent shopping trip to Leeds with my other half.. he came home heavy handed with nearly a grands worth of gorgeous clothes from Harvey Nicks, a full belly and most likely feeling very happy and satisfied.
I came home empty handed.
To avoid feeling guilty i bought nothing. I felt i didn't deserve the gorgeous LBD.. or at least i couldn't justify spending on myself, especially this close to the season of giving... Christmas!

Am i feeling okay you probably wonder.. a woman, programmed at birth to shop, unable to spend money on herself!? I must be mad.
No, just unable to relax and treat myself when i feel i don't deserve it, which is usually most of the time!

So, today i pledge to treat myself.. I will relax with a frothy coffee and copy of Vogue, I will tell myself i look nice when i see my new hair, (going dark today!)  I will enjoy a hot dinner and I WILL find myself that LBD! (maybe not the £400 one, but...)

Hoorah.. here's to self-love!

P.S. Today's the day i am saved from my current green hair after a mis-hap with the blonde dye. From tomorrow i will be a brunette.. now to google pics of Erin O'Connor to reassure myself!

Oh beautiful Erin :)

With love x


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