It is true

That in the end, the only one that can truly change your path in life is yourself. Only you, no one else.

A simple yet incredibly difficult thing to understand.
We must learn to hear and trust our inner strength and have faith in our decisions.
I am searching for that inner courage right now more than ever as I have questions that only I can find the answers for.

It could be a lonely feeling or one of freedom and of self-empowerment.
We do have the power to dictate our future and our paths in life, but we have to take responsibility and make choices.

Sometimes we reach total crossroads in life, and the only way forward is to force ourselves to face very difficult decisions... it can feel so overwhelming, that suddenly you cannot even make the simplest of choices; like whether to have tea or coffee.. And life becomes almost unbearable.

It is times like these where we need to stop, breathe, and take time to rebalance so that slowly we can begin to make choices again, one small step at a time, solving all the little sections which hold the bigger picture together.
Because sometimes the bigger picture is just too darn big.
Small steps. One at a time. Yes..
That is the way forward.

Im exhausted, so, until next time..
With love x


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