The Alchemist

Just read an amazingly thought-provoking book, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A beautiful novel with such a powerful underlying simplistic message about the power of dreams, transformation and the importance of following our destiny and listening to our hearts.

The way it is written almost feels like a fairytale, it has a captivating story to it which along the way really inspires wisdom and thought.

I read this in the 2 days I was in London this week, and some of the words are still staying with me.
It had made me think about destiny and the story we have all been written, it is a comfort to think that our soul has a destiny already set out for us and if we could only learn to trust that and enjoy the journey then we would all find happiness, even when we meet the harder times, and the unfair, painful sections of our story, it makes those trying times more bearable to know that it is happening for a reason, to teach us something along the way to discovering our destinies.

Everything happens for a reason, it really is true. And it will all be okay. Once we can trust in that then happiness is much closer to hand.

With love x


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