The last week..

So today is Monday, and today marks the first day of the last week I will spend here in Barcelona before flying home to my family for Christmas.. Equally, it marks the last week before Christmas - possibly one of the most exciting ones of the year nationwide. And this year I am feeling appropriately excited.. It has been an amazing year, so many adventures, lessons learnt, accomplishments and memories made.. And it is a year I am very much looking forward to celebrating with those I love as it comes to an end this holiday. Travelling is amazing, it has brought me so much.. And this year I have really discovered the value of how travelling builds your strength of character and self, I feel a million times the person I was this time last year.. However of course with travelling and spending so much time away from home comes the missing of family and friends. It can be hard, especially when you feel to be missing out on time spent with the people you love.. But on the other ha...