December 1st

Today marks the 1st of December and of course.. The official countdown to christmas.

I spent the day in appropriate festive manor and actually purchased the first of my Christmas gifts down at the traditional Spanish Christmas market that opened here last night in Barcelona and runs all the way until Christmas.

It was a beautiful day, as are most spent here in my dream city.. But made even more special by the growing sense of excitement and wonder that Christmas and the build up throughout December brings people. You feel it all around you, and as the days draw colder, the lights twinkle brighter and those coffees with friends grow longer.. 

And to me this is what I am most looking forward to.. The excitement isn't for the receiving of gifts, the time off or the permission to eat our weight in mince pies. For me, It is this time spent.. Enjoying the time with my family and friends. 
We come together without questioning each year as it is what is known.. But this year, I really can't wait.

I have travelled a lot this year, and each trip I am reminded a little more how much I value those relationships and friendships back home, sometimes it takes distance to see how much you love.
I've said I miss you, and really meant it.

So now when it is time for me to pack my bags and fly home, I will be sad to leave this wonder-world that is Barcelona.. But it couldn't be for a better reason, I will be coming home for Christmas.

And for that I am excited.

So I will cherish the opportunity to enjoy the festive build up here, seeing the anticipation grow around me, learn the local traditions of Nadal and be thankful that I have so much to look forward to come home for.
And grateful that I am taking home so much more of myself each time.

And so, Bon Nadal mi amigos!
Enjoy the wonder.

With love x


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