Is being too good, bad?

This is the question upon my my mind this week... What does it mean to be too good??

I ask myself this because it has been twice now in the last few days that this has been the topic of conversation, and it seems all too relevant to me to not discuss with myself.. 
Am I bad for being good?

It seems an absurd question to be asking, but actually when you begin to think about it, it's not. For in our efforts to be a good person, to do the right thing, to please others as well as ourselves, to do the respectable thing, to make happiness, and of course something I regard very important - to create good energy and karma around ourselves..
Perhaps in all these efforts to do good, we are then vulnerable to be questioned by others of our strength or our toughness, our sense of challenge or excitement, or our ability to be free and live in the moment, to chance and to dare, or to be wild and just a little bad... 
And of course, these things are only seen and perhaps thought of us, by those people who are only just learning about who we are, and they do not know of our past and what we have experienced that brings us to where we are and the decisions we make about how we behave today.

For I know of my past, my experiences, my adventures in life, the things moma wouldn't be proud of, the wild times and my dark times... And those people who really know me know this also, and so we understand why I am who I am today. 
And the same goes for every one of us, we all have our story and tales to tell.
For everything we are today is just a result of the life we have lived before.

But not everyone we meet knows or will know of this life, and as someone who does have that little streak of rebellion to their character.. I would not like to be considered as 'too good'. To me; it sounds boring. It does not seem a person I would like to be known as.

I try to make good, yes. I try to do the right thing, yes. I want good energy around me now.. For I've lived in the dark and it is not a nice place to live always. 
And so, I will continue to be a good person for it is natural.. its unquestionable to me. But I will keep my mind a little more aware of what I portray of myself.. But also, what I perceive of others.

We shouldn't, but we do.. its instinct to judge someone at face-value, but there is always a lot more to each story than it's cover. I for certain try to make a point to try to remember this when I am tempted to make assumptions of someone unknowingly. 

In my job and with travelling, I meet a lot of people who I wouldn't naturally choose to spend time with.. sometimes I have to live with people in the model-flats that i'd usually rather not, or create a believable atmosphere with a stranger on set or even just sit and make conversation with the person sat next to me in a casting room..
In doing this I have learnt a lot, about others and also myself. You must be strong in your character, know yourself inside and then not the whole world HAS to know. And so I am often quiet in my ways, silently knowing. For me this is enough, I have no desire to prove.

Everyone has their story, give them chance and they may not be who you assume them to be..
Just a thought.

With love x


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