When life gives you lemons..

..Learn to enjoy lemonade, turn that lemonade into champagne and drink hard!
What I'm saying is, that life doesn't always deal us the kindest cards, and it can't always be peachy, sometimes it has to be more turbulent, (as I've discussed before; I'm a big believer in 'the balance' of life) but we CAN find ways to make riding those waves a little easier.

As I was telling a friend earlier whilst trying to offer some comfort and advice to their feelings of sadness and loss.. Sometimes you just HAVE to accept that those are emotions you have to deal with at that time, try to disguise it and well; that's all you're really doing. 
Once we start accepting less pleasurable emotions as a necessary part of learning about life and happiness, it instantly becomes a little more tolerable. With practice, it becomes almost therapeutic.. To know you are truly dealing with the issue right then and there, and to remember that we ARE human, and we DO feel.. Be those feelings positive or not, it's REAL and that's what living is all about.

So when I say learn to enjoy lemonade, what I mean is... Surely it is better to just accept that lemonade is all you have right now so stop resisting, embrace it.. Try your hardest to turn that lemonade into wine, hell, champagne! ..but most important thing is to learn to enjoy it, we all learn to love the things that are good for us in the end; remember broccoli as a kid?! 
And learning to ride the flow, and accept whatever life throws our way is certainly good for us, because everything does happen for a reason, even if we can't see the reasoning right away.. All our experiences are part of forming the person we're destined to be.

So stop quincing when life tastes sour, find some sweetness and enjoy! One life.. Live each day.

With love x 


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