Right now in my life, one thing is very clear.. I must be adaptable.
It is good then, that if have become rather accustomed to change over the last year or so, and I like to consider myself fairly skilled at this art of adaption and acceptance of change.
Change presents itself in many different ways, from sudden (as has been the case lately) unheaval of life from what we become used to, to realisation that relationships/friendships change and will never be what they used to be.. Change is something that will always happen. We cannot prevent it, and fighting it is hopeless, simply resulting in disappointment. The best way to avoid this dismay or distress is to begin accepting; things change and people grow and that is all part of the process. As I've said before, trust in that process of life and be comforted in the thought that everything will turn out just the way it was destined to be, keep believing in your hopes and dreams and you will find the way there.
I've been re-reading one of my (if not my all-time) favourite books, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho lately and one sentence that repeats itself throughout the story is this..
'When you really want something, it's because that desire originated int the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.
And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.'
I cannot describe how strongly this idea resinates within my soul; I feel like it summarises everything I have learnt so far in life into one, perfectly succinct paragraph. This is why I am such a fan of Coelho's writing.. He seems to put into words all the things that float around in my mind, and he does so so beautifully and simply that I'm sure everyone that reads it, can understand and connect to. And when you're reading it, it seems to leap of the page and suddenly all the thoughts you have inside seem to make sense. Everything seems so clear, and life has such purpose. This book gave me hope when I felt it had all gone, it reminds us that anything is possible, and even from the greatest fall we can recover.. Life isn't a battle, life is beautiful, it is an adventure. Another line that I truly love..
'If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man... Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now.'
I take great comfort it this; it is true.. We are only alive in the present and that is the only place worth focusing our enjoyment upon, we can learn from our past and take with us fond memories, and we can hope and dream for the future.. That is all positive and healthy, but the only place to really be is right here, as you are now reading this, and I am writing it.. This is the only place we are alive right now. So accept and enjoy that fact, I am writing, you are reading... And that is a simple pleasure that some people in the world cannot even enjoy.
Once you begin appreciating the simple pleasures in life, the bigger ones have more meaning. You become aware of all the beauty in the world instead of all the obstacles. And you have that choice; whether to choose to focus on the obstacles and negative aspects or on the simple pleasures, on joy and on hope.
I have begun to believe that there are greater things for me to see and achieve in my life, as The Alchemist would say; it is my destiny. Not because some greater power is in action, but simply because I have a dream and I have hope and belief. And when you have that, anything is possible.
I learnt some time ago, that a regular life is not for me.. I find monotony dulling. I desire to learn, to travel, for excitement and new experiences.. That is all a part of my destiny, descovering all the things I need to to allow me to say right okay, I can settle here and be happy. Right now I still don't know where or when that will be, and what life will be like when it's not moving at one hundred miles an hour, but I know that right now I am only alive in this part of the journey, and I enjoy it.. So that is all I must focus upon. Enjoying the party of life.
And so right now, as I take the fast train from Barcelona to Madrid for a last-minute fitting, I smile and feel surprisingly calm and okay in the fact that I have no idea where my next few days or weeks or even months will be.. Because I am alive and doing all the things I wanted to. I have these opportunities, and I am grateful of that.. I could see it as demanding, of unsettling and stressful, but instead I choose to see it as exciting, as an adventure.. Where will tomorrow take me?! And I trust, I trust in my belief and in the idea that the universe will conspire to help me achieve everything I want to.. It is a great comfort when times are more difficult. Those favourite saying 'Everything happens for a reason' and 'Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright; it's not the end' come to life here. Hope and belief is all we really have to base our dreams upon, and that is a good place to start.
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