Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

This is something my mother said to me one time, it was one of those sentences that imprinted itself on my mind, I wrote it, I said it, I started to believe it. Those words are what helped me to start pushing myself to begin overcoming the demons that were holding me back from truly living. Fear. Fear holds us back, it suppresses our real potential. Hidden behind the safety net of what we currently know is a whole world of freedom, excitement and second-level living. So many people are lost in their comfort zones. We become zombified in this state of ease... When every day is predictable and easy, when there are no challenges outside of the mediocre everyday tasks; we can all too easily slip into sameness. This habit of ritual is dangerous.. Usually this state of monotony is very safe, and causes no literal harm.. Just mental numbness. But when the repetitive rituals become unhealthy, that is when real disasters happen. We MUST break ourselves out of these comfort zone...