Seek and you shall find.

I find it funny how in life, we all seek different priorities. Love, money, career, travel, security, adventure.. They all play different roles of importance to us.

'It's more about well-being than being well-off...'

This is something that I've been thinking a lot about lately, as my home life is rather up in the air and I've been feeling some outside pressure to 'settle' and to prioritise getting a place of my own.. And this IS something I want, really it is.. Anyone that knows me knows how much of a home-bird I can be, how I love making a place my own. However, that isn't something I want just yet.

Right now I also have this amazing opportunity to see the world, to travel and push my career and this ALSO brings me happiness, it is something I never knew would bring me so much. 
It's much more than just seeing new places.. It's more about seeing more of life. Every day brings it's challenges and each time I learn more. I'm seeing the world, but also experiencing the world. It's very different.

And yes, of course I could take a regular job, and live in my little home in Harrogate with my cats and do the same as everyone else is doing... And probably for a while that would bring it's own happiness, the security, the comforts. But right now, while I'm young and able to.. I want to push myself, I want to live through these experiences so that when I DO settle down, perhaps have children; I will actually have a life to tell and things to pass on.. I want to inspire them to see that the world has endless possibilities.. To dream big and seek happiness, wherever that may be.
Surely anybody that really loves another, wouldn't want anything less than that for them.

I really feel that the more you push to expand the world you know, to learn and explore your possibilities; that life grows in such richness.. it's not so much about what your own materially, but what you own within yourself.

I've always appreciated the saying 'Make a living.. Don't live to work' and I truly believe in this... Work can be a passion, and something you seek great satisfaction and enjoyment from. And yes, money is important; We all like to be comfortable and enjoy the nice things in life.. But much more than that is how you spend you time. See the beauty in the simple pleasures in life. A day can be just as enjoyable spent with loved ones taking a walk in the countryside, watching the waves together, enjoying a picnic or a seeing the sun-set.. Priceless moments spent can bring much more pleasure than even the grandest of gestures. This is a great lesson to learn. For when you spend your time wisely, you are much wealthier than the man who brings in 6 figures yet never see's his kids. Feeling that enthusiasm and zest for life is unbuyable. 

I find it sad to see so many people I've known slip into that depressing monotony of the work-life scenario. They go to work, come home, do the same things, see the same people and have never left the place they grew up in.. And they're bored. Bored of life.
On the other hard I've also had the pleasure of watching some good friends listen to their desires; give up their job that pays well but bores them silly and use some of those savings they've been putting aside for the sensible car/house etc to go off,to have adventures and see more of the world and enrich their lives.. Because they have seen that life experiences, memories and stories to tell are worth much more to them than ticking the boxes of what the society they've known deems important. 

I'm not saying to live life you have to travel the world... You don't. But try not to limit yourself to what you currently know. We all have deep desires, those dreams inside of ourselves.. 
For my mum it was to travel, to have an adventure.. And she's wanted it her whole life, finally now, reaching retirement.. She's going for it. Because you can't suppress those dreams, they eat away at you until you stop enjoying the life you're living. But it's never too late to listen to your heart, to pursue your happiness.

So all I encourage is to take time to descover what it is your heart really wants, what it it that you yearn to do. Listen to that desire inside of you, hear what your heart is calling for, and don't be afraid to step outside 'the norm'. Seeking that will in turn bring true happiness and satisfaction. For when you are doing what you believe in your heart you were destined to do; life becomes flooded with radiance and is wholly more enjoyable.

And so yes, I've reached 25 years old and no, I don't have a mortgage or even a real place I call home, I don't have any real plans for my future except what the next week may bring (which include 3 days in Lisbon filming a commercial before I fly to Beijing next week!) but I'm perfectly okay with that, and I've come to realise that regards those that do have an issue with it.. It is more likely an inner reflection of their own demons., Not mine. I am happy, really... Happy in my unsettled, imperfect, unplanned-out life; because do you know what? I'm living. Living a life of richness that no amount of money can buy.. It's something you have to find within yourself, and when you do.. You learn that you can make life a party; a beautiful fiesta full of happiness, adventures and memories made.
And that is one party we all deserve to be on the guest list for..

With love x


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