Old soul.
It's 10.30 in the morning, and I've been up two hours already despite my call time not being until 1.30pm... I've had a shower, done some yoga, made coffee and eaten a delicious dragon fruit whilst listening to some beautiful music. I've finally had some space to myself and I feel reconnected. All the other models in my apartment here in Beijing that aren't already at work are sleeping; most likely until the last possible moment before they have to be at their job/castings. I am acutely aware, I am different.
Some call it 'old at heart', others 'boring/ too sensible'.. but it's more than that. Whilst most the people here are sleeping off the night before; I'm awake and alive with my thoughts. My life cannot be fulfilled that way anymore, getting wasted and 'pulling' does not equal a good time to me.. And I don't just think that it's age as a number, it's more about lives lived and the depth of our minds. I've often been refereed to as an old soul, and I've actually always been quite fond of that description.. It suggests that our souls are not simple and naive.
My heart has built many layers over recent years, I've learnt a lot about life; sometimes the hard way, but I appreciate it all.
So call me old, boing and too good.... But I would rather build a life on special memories and moments, with good people and real-ness than pretending to be having a good time each night, surrounded by people with only two thoughts between their ears. It's not just that I live with models and see a lot of that 'party-lifestyle', there are people of all walks of life who 'live for the weekend'.. And all I can see it as is sad.
It's sad that they cannot find happiness from more of life than the obvious 'good-time.'
Celebrate the smaller pleasures in life, they create a deeper impact on our being. And don't leave you with a sore head ;)
With love x
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