Hello December.

December is upon us, the last month of the year already! Goodness, I'm not sure how that happened.. But suddenly all the warmth of autumn has faded and the frosty mornings and dark nights have crept in, and it's most definitely time to dig out the cosy jumpers and hot water bottles and welcome in the festive fun. 
I'm more than happy to get well and truly into the seasons festivities this year, especially as I will be spending December in England this year.. There is no beach, no blue skies to make Christmas seem such a far away distant thing this time around; and if I'm going to be in chilly England.. I'm going to indulge completely in all things festive. Bring the mulled wine and tinsel! 

Part of my British cynicism wanted to resent the world beginning it's Christmas celebrations back in November. But really.. I love it. I see no problem in cosying down and making the most of the holiday which brings light to such a dark, cold time of year.
Those sparkling lights and warm colours are a comfort, the smells of pine trees, spice and gingerbread bring nostalgia.. festivities make December a wonderful month. We get together, we celebrate for the sake of celebrating. We take a rest, we appreciate.. We do all the things we deserve to do at the end of the year.

For me, this year has been another very busy one, one of travels and adventures. And my December dairy is already filled up with work and play that will ensure I don't stop until santas well on his way. I've recently bagged myself some regular bookings with a client up in Leeds, which is great.. Not only career-wise, but as it means I get to spend more time up North which is giving me the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. I've been staying with my Dad and his wife in Otley, which has been wonderful. I've never really had the chance to spend this sort of time with them, and so it's time I cherish. Not to mention how beautiful and peaceful it is to be at their house. Definitely the sort of comfort and calm important to my life amidst the unpredictable and sometimes manic nature of my job, the travelling and the long, tiring hours. Balance once again rearing it's beautiful head. 

We must find our balance wherever it may be. If that means saying no to a few people, or taking time out for yourself to just 'be', then that's okay. It's okay to step back and be just a little bit selfish sometimes when it comes to your time. If we run at full speed constantly; we risk running on empty. However, if we take care, listen to our body and mind, rest or slow down when it's telling us to do so then we can always offer the best of ourselves. No half empty cannons. 
Being balanced is one of the most beautiful things. We feel peace and inner calm when we are listening to ourselves properly and giving ourselves what we desire. For me, I must balance my souls desire for variety, creativity, adventure and journeys with the comforts and love my heart craves.
This is why coming home to my family and friends is so important to me. I can adventure knowing I have love behind me. I can travel the world alone, live in countries where we don't speak the same language, descovering the unknown and never feel lonely. Love and balance is quite magical like that. 

So Christmas time for me is a time for balance.. A time for appreciation. Where time is taken but not wasted, to indulge without overindulging. 
It isn't about the excess.. celebrate all that is good and spend time with the people we love. For that is really what it's all about afterall - love.

And on that, I will raise (yet another) glass of something festive; to Christmas, to love and all that is good. Cheers!

With love x


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