A little perspective.

I was talking to someone recently and conversation led on to us sharing our mutual appreciation for this beautiful quote from the film American Beauty..

A long standing favourite of mine, I think it is one of the most beautiful pieces of script I've seen in a film. It's one of those moments where all the world seems to stop and all you can do is watch and listen as everything you've ever felt gets expressed so wonderfully. I remember the first time I saw American Beauty, and the first time I saw the scene in the movie when this quote is spoken, I wanted to rewind and listen to it again and again so every word of it could soak into my soul, I never wanted to forget those beautiful words and how they made me feel.

Back then, I was still very unhappy.. And those words meant something else. Now I read them and feel something different. I can almost relate even more.. As something horrible did happen to me, I was not dealt the kindest card, and I could be pissed off about that.. But this reminds me to step back, to see perspective and see that the world is not, ever, such a terrible place to be; Infact it can be quite wonderful if we allow it to be. 
It's all in attitude, in how we choose to look at things. Holding onto anger, resentment and bitterness is not healthy, and will not lead to a life of happiness.. Letting our experiences, good and bad, flow through us but holding onto our faith in the process and in a destination of happiness is the only way. 

So step back, notice the beauty in life, and in living and all the wonderful things that can bring. 

I am grateful today to have been reminded of this quote and how it makes me feel.

With love x


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