The First Page of a 365 Day Book

A new year, a time where society forces us to feel that we should be starting something new, making changes, resolutions and promises to ourselves which we inevitably fail to keep..
Until the next year, when we reflect back over the year.. Get filled with the sense of failure and pledge to make next year different, and then do the same thing all over again.

Well last year instead, I wrote a list of things I wanted to achieve within the year. These included career plans, places I wanted to visit, personal growth I hoped to see, creative ambitions to achieve and to eat vegan cake.
Yesterday, in my reflective-end-of-the -year mood, I looked back at this list.. And instead of the usual feeling of failure at not sticking to a resolution; It was amazing to see I had to to ticked off most of that list.
I'm really proud of what I achieved last year. Really. I never take it for granted.
Gratitude is a virtue.

I am thankful for the year I had, the strength I found inside of myself, for learning to love the life I live, for the support around me, for the opportunities I had and the memories made.

And when I see people saying things such as 'hope 2014 is better than last, what a crap year' etc I feel sad, the year is what you MAKE it.. Make it a good one.

Honestly, we really do have the ability to change things into what we want of them. Believing it is the most important part. 
I have learnt a hell of lot over the last year, and one thing that's helped me most is finding the ability to enjoy the process.. Every day is part of that story, nobody enjoys a book with pages where nothing happens.. Make your life enjoyable!
I'm learning to enjoy the process, taking pleasure in the simple things, appreciating the darkness as well as the light, accepting the process and believing in my goals.. It has been the biggest contributor towards making this year a good year.

And so today I am glad, glad I'm not one of those people following the sheep and rushing to the gym/giving up something I love.. For life is short, live the life you love.
Start Today. 

2013 - a definite year to remember...

I'm excited to see what this next year will bring, what I will be looking back upon this time next year.. I hope I feel as proud as I do right now.

With love x


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