The art of Living (and coffee drinking)
Today I am thankful for the skill I have learnt for appreciation.
Appreciating the beauty in the smaller things in life.. the few hours in the day kept just for yourself, that coffee you buy every morning, the people that smile as they pass you by, the privilege of choosing what to have for lunch when there's people in the world going hungry, taking the stairs; because you can!..
These are all the small things which once you start seeing the beauty in, you begin realising really how lucky we actually are.
Okay so you got out of bed on the wrong side; your car won't start, you just got dumped, the cat has flu AND it's raining outside.. So what!!
Laugh at that 'woe is me' attitude.. Life is precious, enjoy it!
Make the most of being alive.. Turn 'time to kill' into time well spent.
Start doing that and every day starts being a 'good day'. Live for today, in the moment, for it is all we really have.
Take for example, enjoying a cup of really great coffee.. such a simple pleasure, but once you begin to actually enjoy the process of drinking this said delicious beverage and not just acnowledging the taste of it and the way it helps you through your morning..
That is when you are really living. Really alive, in that moment, able to appreciate the subtleties..
So even if just for ten minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee, I encourage you to put your phone in your bag, empty your mind of the daily stresses; you decided to take a coffee; so make a moment to enjoy it!.. Notice the aroma, the way the milk has been poured, perhaps it's left a heart or a rosette in the foam, acknowledge the person that just made it for you..
Trust me, it will be ten minutes well spent.. For you will actually be entirely in that moment.
So you see, really living is a lot easier than people think, it can start with how you drink your morning coffee..
And once you do the whole world seems to open it's arms to you, nothing seems mediocre and there is no such thing as boredom, for boredom is quite simply an inability to enjoy living in that very moment.
Life really is what you believe it to be.
Believe it to be good <3
With love x
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