What it is to be real.

To be real.

It can be a difficult thing in a world so filled with material dependancies. We live our days in this society so dictated by money and worth and others. Retaining self and realness can get lost along the way.

We're all guilty of it. We find ourselves discussing image, possessions and fame almost on a daily basis, especially in my line of work, modelling... It can be unavoidable; but surviving in that requires effort in mindfulness towards self, what it is that is truly important to us. And fundamentally that must always be our values, our personality, our loved ones, our passions and our unique indifferences. 

Those little quirks, that little bit (or a lot) of madness we all have is what keeps us real. It is what makes one different from the next, what sparks our interest in another. If we are all cardboard cut-outs of the next, life blurs into a muddle of dullness. What is a life of textbook, correctness?! We must break boundaries, push ourselves out of the box of sameness, embrace our quirks and all of our madness.. I'm not saying one needs to try to be something unique, no no.. That is more sad than just riding under the waves. I'm suggesting we surface, allow all of ourselves to come to light, let it shine out unashamedly and ride the waves with our faces towards the sun; stay present, live in the moment, get up when you fall down, just breath and enjoy the flow of living. 
Acknowledging the flow of life is fundamental in maintaining realness. When we learn to listen to and understand our emotions, accept the difficult times, soak up the delight of happiness and let it all flow through us.. That is what rounds you into the person you are destined to be. People filled with realness, natural quirks and a hint of madness, to me; are the most beautiful. 

Beautiful to me means somebody so alive, so present, honest and fearless in their sense of self that it all comes spilling out. They have all these layers you want to unpeel. They are captivating in their madness. It comes rarely these days.. The Audrey Hepburns of our world are few and far between. She was mad but she was beautiful. But when we stumble upon those people that manage to retain that realness, it's impossible not to be encapsulated of them. That type of beauty is more than a perfect smile or ideal measurements.. That is realness. And that is more beautiful than anything.

I don't own a telly. I take walks every day. I take time to notice my breath and how it always manages to ground me back to reality. I laugh as much as possible. I notice the way the air feels on my skin and the changing seasons. I try to read more books than FB feeds. I hold doors for people and make more eye contact. I put away my phone when I'm having dinner or a conversation with a friend.. I try to have more of those; conversations, actual ones. I have learnt the joy in spontaneity like jumping into rivers and running barefoot in the rain (really!)
These things keep me sane, keep me present, keep it real. 

So sit down and give time to actual conversations, talk without boundaries of fear or regret. Embrace spontaneous desires. Take risks. Notice the beauty in nature not paper. Kiss more. Be honest in all the senses. Be fearless and free in your emotions.. Let freedom engulf you. Don't loose sight of that desire we all have as a child for ambition, for limitless love, for life. 

Happiness will never be found if we sit around waiting for it, go out and make something of the moment right now. That is where you will find happiness. Then you will be alive, then you will be real. Enjoy the flow.

With love x


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