Four days deep.


So today marks the fourth day of teacher training here in beautiful Paris.

Where to start... well first, I'm alive!! Just having survived 4 of the most intense days of my life so far in terms of physical, mental and spiritual input is a miracle... and its only just the beginning!

Its tough, they didn't call it Bikram-bootcamp for nothing!
Our days start very early, with either an early morning practice or group study, most days we practice two 90 or 60minute hot classes... and just trying to keep rehydrated after that amount of sweating is a huge challenge in itself, then theres the lectures, the Posture Mechanics, the Teaching Clinics and the personal study providing a constant stream of information which is mentally as exhausting equally to the time spent in the hot room. Some days we don't get home until after 10pm and then theres home study to be done and practical things like laundry (and believe me theres a lot of that when you're doing so many classes!) and food prep... all before we get to finally squeeze in a few hours precious sleep before the alarm goes and its time to start again.
I can't compare this experience to any other.. its completely different to the type of training I did with my dance career, or to studying for my degree, because the training we're receiving here covers so many different aspects, and everything comes back to the Self. Everything we study, everything we learn teaches us something about ourselves..
'The teacher is always the student and the student is always the teacher.'
...simply training to teach others; I am learning so much about myself.

This level of openness to receive is pretty overwhelming. I feel like I've arrived, torn myself open and now everything is just pouring in. Some moments I feel so exhausted I could cry and next moment I feel energised beyond the sky just from the uplift of my practice and those around me. Its such a rollercoaster ride of emotion.

Despite all this, I can't help but feel a tremendous knowing feeling that this is one hundred percent worth it.. and exactly where I'm meant to be right now.
The struggle, the exhaustion... its all just momentary. All it is is a signal of the incredible effort and determination I'm putting in to achieve my goal.
Every day I feel proud. This journey is not easy but every step is significant, beautiful and worthy.

I am opening myself up to everything it brings... the obstacles that come up for me, the emotions it brings up and churns out, the physical challenge, the mind expansion... I am open. I am receptive. The time is now.

Namaste x


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